SGBC Modesto

Apologetics – Human Limitations

March 20, 2024 by

William Heinrich

Apologetics = give an answer

Human Limitations

I. To give an answer does not require being able to satisfy objections.

A. The argument:

1. Today’s view on apologetics says, “We must master answers to all relevant areas of His concern, and thus prepare the way for the Gospel.”

2. This is called “semi-rationalism”.

B. The reason for the argument

1. Man underestimates the seriousness of fallen man’s problem.

2. Man underestimates the solution that God has to deal with man’s problems.

II. To give an answer does require our understanding of man’s inabilities.

A. Man’s inability is first a result of total depravity.

1. What is commonly said today? Evidence

2. What is commonly ignored today? Depravity

a. Proofs, systems, and evidences convert no one, according to Scripture.

1) Proofs convince no one. (Acts 1:3)

2) Evidences convince no one. (Acts 26:26)

b. Total inability is the proof and evidence given by Scripture.

1) Natural man has God as his enemy. (Romans 5:10, 8:7)

2) Natural man does not seek God. (Psalm 14: 2-3) CF Jeremiah 17:9, Ephesians 4:17-19

3) Natural man suppressed the truth they do have about God. (Romans 1:18- 20, John 6:44)

B. Man’s inability is second a result of satanic blinding.

1. Paul was aware of satanic blinding. (II Corinthians 4:3-6)

2. Jesus taught about satanic blinding. (Matthew 13:4, 18-19)