SGBC Modesto

Bible Study

February 26, 2024 by

William Heinrich

I often am asked to have a Bible study. My answer is always the same.  If you want to study the Bible, come to the ones available (two on Sunday and one on Wednesday night).  You should not be surprised to know those who ask for a Bible study do not attend all three Bible studies that are faithfully offered every week.  I like to teach the Bible and find great joy to find good numbers who come to learn.  Therefore a Bible study is a super addition as long as it’s not for those who have first engaged in subtraction (minus 1 to 3 of the 3 already available).

Perhaps what is really being requested is not a study of the Bible after all.  I rather imagine it’s a small get together for fellowship, food and a little Bible mixed in, something less formal or threatening. It could have even been a forerunner to the come as you are churches that are so popular today.

When we study the Bible it is not for the goal of learning but of living.  To learn of God is to live for God.  To learn of the Bible’s inspiration is to live by its every word.  To learn prophecy is to live as though Jesus could return today. In other words, Bible study is not casual and non-threatening, it is serious business and a life changing experience.

Could we be too prone to choose what fits our comfort zone or preference?  I believe members of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church should rethink Bible study and avail themselves to the ones we already have and do it with Holy Spirit conviction.