SGBC Modesto

Subjective vs. Objective Truth

April 5, 2024 by

William Heinrich

Francis Schaffer spoke of objective truth as “true truth.” Alan Bloom’s book, The Closing of the American Mind, states that, “The American mind is systematically being slammed shut on the pursuit of objective truth.” He estimates that 95 percent of our college freshmen embrace a relative view of truth.

The argument that truth is subjective is in itself subjective and therefore of no more value than an opinion. However, an opinion repeated often enough by respected people soon is accepted as fact. When that happens, society endorses circular logic such as, “There are no absolutes except for the absolute that there are absolutely no absolutes.”

Satan lied to Eve, but his logic and seeming compassion made it appear as truth. She believed the lie of Satan, and thus reasoned that God was the liar. Locke defined truth as, “…that which corresponds to reality as it is perceived by God.” Only God knows truth comprehensively and with perfect accuracy. If Eve would have understood this simple fact, she would have considered Satan’s words as lies and God’s Words as truth.

Whenever man leaves objective truth (that which is absolutely correct or true truth), he is open to lies, things that appear as truth but which are not truth at all. John 17:17 says, “God’s Word is truth.” When God speaks, be it from the heavens: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt. 3:17); or through the inspired Holy Scripture, it is objective truth or “true truth.” Therefore, everything that does not agree exactly with His Word is not truth at all, no matter what we label it.

For one to think he is in truth, but is not, is still to be in a lie. All in the human family are responsible to their Creator to believe Him. In Romans 3:3-4, this is made clear: “For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.”