SGBC Modesto

Too Busy

April 5, 2024 by

William Heinrich

Today, people are too busy to pray, too busy to read the Bible, too busy to witness, too busy to go to church and worship Christ, too busy to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions, too busy to get their Sunday School lessons done, too busy to make it to prayer meeting or evangelistic meetings. Too busy; simply too busy!

Symptoms exist in abundance in the church. Attendance at Tuesday night visitation or prayer meetings on Wednesday night has shrunk to an embarrassingly small size. It is generally accepted that the only person not “too busy” to be at everything is the pastor. It once was understood that not only the pastor, but the deacons, as well, were expected to be at all the church services. But today that is called an ideal or a bit unrealistic. Cries in abundance echo, “Legalism” or, “Show me a verse that says I must attend all the services.”

It’s not only the Christian who is caught in a “too busy” snare. Have you done much door-to-door calling in our “too busy” world? People are simply too busy to allow you to tell the story that brings peace in our panic-stricken world. What a dilemma, when you think about it. Christians are too busy to go calling on the people who are too busy to listen. Sad, isn’t it?

For a while I thought there was no answer to this “too busy” problem. However, now I realize God made a perfect number of hours in a day, days in a week, and weeks in a year. God always does everything perfectly; we’re the ones who make the mistakes. There can only be one answer to the seeming problem. I must start with myself and establish Biblical priorities and keep them. Then, as people see me, it will encourage them. Maybe, by God’s grace, my change will cause changes in my home, church, and community.

I’m glad the One Who runs the whole universe was not too busy to leave Heaven to save us. Surely He must have deemed His elect a higher priority than many other “too busy” things that often defeat us.