
Pastors Corner: Thoughts and Perspectives
March 2, 2024

A Position Paper In a day when commitment is a rare commodity, it should come as no surprise that church Read more...

March 2, 2024

Some have asked why Sovereign Grace Baptist Church has chosen to affiliate with the GARBC.  The answer lies in three Read more...

March 2, 2024

Years ago I went to a seminar held at the GARBC National Conference.  I don’t remember the teacher or year Read more...

March 2, 2024

A Position Paper DISCLAIMER:After years of reading both the Bible and books on the subject of divorce and remarriage, it Read more...

February 26, 2024

Recently our compassion at SGBC has been tested. How have we done or are doing? Job’s friends willingly sat for Read more...

February 26, 2024

2 Corinthians 10:3-6For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons Read more...

February 26, 2024

In addition to the current discussions arising from the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, a seemingly endless train Read more...

February 26, 2024

I often am asked to have a Bible study. My answer is always the same.  If you want to study Read more...

February 26, 2024

Apologetics = give an answerThe Divine Solution: God's Part I. Regeneration precedes sight and entrance. John 3:1-3 There was a Read more...