
March 28, 2024

Jesus quotes Zechariah when He says in Matthew 26:31, “Strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will scatter.” Read more...

March 28, 2024

Today, with churches so bent on “breaking down the walls,” fewer and fewer people even know what ever erected them. Read more...

March 28, 2024

God’s word is clear that the most important part of a church service is preaching.  The only preaching that is Read more...

March 28, 2024

In a day when absolutes are scoffed, the absolute of "Positive Tolerance" is almost reverenced. I was taught that tolerance Read more...

March 28, 2024

Christians who openly and unashamedly tell others of Christ will be very unpopular people. Therefore, to avoid the shunning and Read more...

March 28, 2024

I Corinthians 13:8-12 I. Love never fails, but some gifts fail (8) A. Prophecies fail B. Tongues fail C. Knowledge Read more...

March 28, 2024

The word liberal means “free.” In the Bible this word refers to the freedom a Christian receives from the bondage Read more...

March 28, 2024

Legalism is that evil teaching that man can be acceptable to God by his own merit.   Legalism is a self-righteous Read more...

March 28, 2024

Douglas Wilson said, "Grace has no handles and is impossible for sinners to pick up, but it does have hands Read more...